Prabowo's Sandi at Ciayumajakuning Reaches 75%

Jurnal Fakta. Cirebon, Indramayu, Majalengka, and Kuningan (Ciayumajakuning) will be the biggest voting place for Parbowo Subianto-Sandiaga's Salahuddin Uno Candidate for President-Candidate Vice President serial number 02.
Katrina Levena Chairman of the Cirebon Raya Joint Secretariat (Task Force) Task Force determined Prabowo-Sandi to get 75 percent of the vote.

"My hope is that 75 percent in Ciayumajakuning (Cirebon, Indramayu, Majalengka and Kuningan), other colleagues take 90 percent, but I am just rational," said Katrina Levena after the Declaration and the Inauguration of the Cirebon Task Force Secretary at the Prima Cirebon Hotel on Sunday ( 1/1/2012.

To reach the target, Katrina Levena claimed to have provided several political strategies.

The first is to carry out the Joint Secretariat according to the direction of the BPN Directorate of Task Force, namely maintaining and securing votes at each polling station (TPS).

"The police only oversee the votes at polling stations, we will register and place a minimum of 10-15 people per polling station," Katrina Levena said.
Katrina Levena stated, the management and membership of the Cirebon Raya Task Force (Sekber) of the Cirebon Raya Task Force had begun to be designed. In fact, the community was very enthusiastic to link themselves to the Cirebon Raya Task Force, both from Ciayumajakuning.

"Elements that are incorporated are mass organizations that are children of the party, then NGOs, OKP-OKP, then this accidental professional organization already exists from the Notary Professional Organization, then advocates who support in person or organization," Katrina said.

"The day before, there were 20, but today 40 have registered," he continued.
Katrina Levena said, in addition to the Volunteer Directorate, at BPN Prabowo-Sandi also created the Task Force Directorate (Satgas). It is this Task Force (Task Force) that will maintain Prabowo-Sandi's voice from potential fraud.

For the second, the security measures at polling stations will also be accompanied by a number of task forces (Satgas) from advocates. The Professional Organization of the Advocates who will advocate for counseling and legal efforts in the event of fraud.

Katrina Levena was grateful and felt proud, the establishment of the Joint Secretariat (Sekber) of the Prabowo-Sandi Task Force (Task Force) in Cirebon Raya received support from many circles. That makes Katrina Levena sure she can win the 2019 presidential election in the Ciayumajakuning region.

"That's special for Prabowo-Sandi. That support is very strong and comes from the community itself," he said.


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