Sandiaga Agrees With KPU Decision, Debate Presidential Election Without Lattice

Nasional Indonesia. Candidate vice president number 02 Sandiaga Salahudin Uno said, agreed with the decision of the General Election Commission (KPU) which would not divulge or provide a lattice at the second 2019 Presidential Election Debate. According to him the debate without a leak would be more interesting.

"I strongly agree. That will make a discussion more interesting in terms of deepening each topic, "Sandi said on the sidelines of his visit in Kenjeran, Surabaya, Saturday (01/19/2019) night.
Sambung Sandi, besides being more interesting and profound, later each candidate will speak from his mind and heart. This happens because the candidate is no longer limited by the presence of a grid.

"Because later each candidate will talk about what is in their minds and hearts openly and more deeply, not limited by the grid," he said.
Although, the former DKI Deputy Governor did not agree that the debate must take place with high tension. Because, actually the debate is understanding each other what is said by each candidate pair offered.

"Actually it's not made hot. But the debate was made to understand each other. We are grateful that Alhamdulillah (first) debate took place smoothly, "said the husband of Nur Asia.
Even though, from the technical side of the implementation, Sandi has a suggestion that the next debate can be held with a simple concept that does not present the masses of each candidate.

"For future improvements, one of them is that we make it much simpler. The debate does not need to invite many people and is made as simple as possible, as comfortable as possible and focused on hundreds of millions of people who are not in the studio at home or in the room, "he explained.

Previously, the KPU had decided that it would not provide a leak for the pair of candidates for the 2019 Presidential Election Debate. Without a grid at the Presidential Election debate it was considered to be even more heated.
"One of the evaluations, we recommend for the next debate, the question abstraction made by the panelists was not notified to the candidate pairs," concluded the KPU commissioner, Wahyu Setiawan.


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