BPN Prabowo-Sandi Mengusulkan Debat Capres Memilih panelis Yang Netral

Pojok Id. Deputy Chairperson of the National Winning Body (BPN) Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga, Priyo Budi Santoso, expressed his desire to the KPU RI so that the figure who would become a panelist in the implementation of the candidate debate between the Presidential Candidates for the next round.

Do not be a figure within the government. This was conveyed so that there was no partiality to one of the Candidate Pairs who were incumbents.
"Even though there are top people there, but if they are still in the ministry line, especially in state institutions and so on, it is recommended and recommended not to be elected," said the BPN General Conference, Priyo at the Indonesian KPU Office on Monday (01/21/19) night.

Then, Priyo revealed, the selection of panelists is now a little different from the selection of moderators. At the election of the moderator, the KPU can ask questions and ask for consideration for both teams.
However, in the selection of panelists, the KPU can determine for themselves. Therefore, the KPU has the power to choose panelists based on the logic of the KPU itself.

Then, even though like that, Priyo is optimistic that the KPU can choose a figure who is neutral to become the second panelist to debate later. Because, there are still many unaffiliated and neutral figures with any candidate pair and are not biased.
"We are still scattered figures who have been seen as not affiliated especially politically to any party and we believe the KPU can gather these figures," concluded Priyo.

Thus, the community needs a figure who is not biased and neutral. Then. Both paslon explain the problems that exist in Indonesia. And can handle problems.


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