Prabowo Subianto is ready to face the second presidential debate

Topik Nasional. Djoko Santoso Chairperson of the Winning Body of Prabowo-Sandiaga will plan the inauguration of the winning body of Prabowo-Sandiaga and attend the declaration of volunteers today
The inauguration and declaration of the volunteers will be held at Pontianak Convention Center Pontianak.

Djoko Santoso will give a briefing to the winning bodies at Maestro Hotel Pontianak
Based on the decree number: 0021 / Kpts / BPN-PS / IX / 2018, the Winning Body of Prabowo-Sandiaga at the West Kalimantan Province is led by Suriansyah who is also the Chairperson of the Gerindra West Kalimantan DPD. With M Rizal's secretary, and Treasurer M. Arif.

For the board of directors of the winning body Prabowo-Sandiaga was also filled by leaders from coalition political parties.
that way

Sudirman Said Director of Material and Debate The National Winning Body strongly supports the steps of the KPU which does not share the grid, the different debate format while extending the time of the debate (BPN) Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno, Sudirman Said strongly supports the KPU's move. Apart from not sharing the grid, the debate format is different from extending the duration of the debate.

"I support and respect the attitude of the KPU which continues to hear input from the people as holders of sovereignty, God willing, this is in line with the KPU's intention to make the 2019 Election more qualified and with integrity," said Sudirman

Sudirman explained, Prabowo as the presidential candidate was very ready to face any form of debate that had been arranged by the KPU without a lattice

"This is for candidate pair 02 arguing without the previous grid and time added is a blessing. That way the people can receive a full explanation, and know the real abilities of the prospective leaders, "he said
through this second debate well. because, in the second debate later, the themes discussed will be appropriate
"We believe that the debated material is material that has become a daily thought for Mr. Prabowo," he said.

The second debate is scheduled to be held at the Sultan Hotel Jakarta, February 17, 2019 with the theme of energy, food, natural resources, environment and infrastructure. This second debate is only

And Prabowo is very confident for this second debate because there is no leakage of the grid, and surely it is very obvious who can respond with a very professional mind and be able to compile Indonesia to be better brought by the government of Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno.


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