Prabowo-Sandi Obtained 80 Percent of Voice in West Java

Harian Id. Leader of the winning cleric Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno or Koppasandi believes that the pair Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno presidential candidate-Cawapres number 02 will be able to achieve 80 percent of the vote in West Java. The strategy used by the ranks of a number of Ulama is to fight to help the voice of the pair Prabowo-Sandi.

This was conveyed by KH. Abdul Rasyid Syafi'I Commander General Koppasandi after declaring Koppasandi in the Depok, West Java area on Sunday 20 January 2019. Abdul Rasyid said, Koppasandi was formed according to the results of ijtima Ulama led by Habib Rizieq Syihab the High Priest of the Islamic Defenders Front.

"Alhamdulillah, all agreed to support the Prabowo-Sandi pair to be won in the 2019 Presidential Election," said Abdul Rasyid Syafi'I.
Abdul Rasyid said that his party needed seriousness from a number of followers of Ulama, pilgrims and santri to fight for the victory of the Prabowo-Sandi pair.

"Every house is to become a winning post to go to a safe and just and prosperous country. Now Kopassandi has been born in various regions, the target in Depok is 90% of the vote," he said.
In addition, Al Khathath Secretary General Koppasandi said that the participation of the community and leaders of political parties in the city of Depok was quite large. Therefore, his party will carry out the strategy of winning the social movement which refers to the fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council and MUI 2009, about the obligation to choose leaders.

"The obligation to choose leaders with criteria, believe, fear, sidiq, trust, tabligh, fatonah and fight for Muslim leadership. That's our strategy, "he said
Then, Nuroji was convinced the chairman of the winning team Prabowo-Sandi in Depok with the authority of the Ulama in the Prabowo-Sandi Party, would be able to raise the voice of victory as in the DKI Election, Jakarta ago.

"The position of scholars in this presidential election is extraordinary until it can make timses from the ulama's wing. Hopefully this can repeat the victory in DKI, the Coalition between parties, scholars and Muslims," ​​he concluded.


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