Cuteness of Sandiaga Uno When Visiting the Pamekasan Traditional Batik Center

Kata Indo. Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno Candidate for Vice President number 02 comes to the Traditional Batik Central in the Market on August 17, Pemekasan, Madura, on Sunday (01/20/2019).
Upon arriving at Candidate 02 candidate Candidate number 02, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno in the Central Traditional Batik was awaited by the supporters and the winning team.

When Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno's car arrived at the entrance to Pasar Pasar on August 17, the people who had been waiting for a long time immediately scrambled to shake hands and take a picture together with Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno.
Hysterically shouted from the Ma'am, it broke out on the Central page of Traditional Market Batik on August 17, Pemekasan to summon Candidate Vice President number 02, Sandiaga Uno.

But, screaming hysterically immediately changed with laughter after Vice President number 02 Sandiaga Uno opened greetings using the Madurese language, to begin to convey his vision and mission on the main stage.
"Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarokatuh, Mator sakalangkong, Ampon Betoknah," said Sandiaga Uno through a voice challenger.

Instantly the people present immediately laughed at the words of the Candidate for Vice President Sandiaga Uno, who according to Pamekasan residents said this was wrong.
According to Karman, one of the residents who was at the location, Sandiaga Uno was wrong and said he was wrong.

"Maybe Mr. Sandiaga wants to say 'Ampon Bektonah' which means it's time, that can be interpreted, in the 2019 presidential election, the pair Prabowo-Sandi has time to lead Indonesia," Karman said.
"Because if it refers to the meaning of the word" Ampon Betoknah "which is spoken by Mr. Sandi, it means 'Has Coughed' and that doesn't connect. There's no citizen who coughs, "he continued, smiling.

Candidate for Vice President number 02, Sandiaga Uno did not want to surrender, Sandi still wanted to say the sentence was repeated up to three times.
"What is the truth, ladies and gentlemen? Ampon is bad, Ampon is bad, Ampon bektonah, It's time for the ladies, Prabowo-Sandi leads Indonesia, Amen ladies, "concluded Sandi while smiling.

Mother also answered the Vice President's question number 02 Sandiaga Uno in a simultaneous tone. "Yes sir, sir, amen," he said.


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